List of Dog Breeds Banned in India

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Dogs are considered to be man’s best friend, but unfortunately, not all breeds are welcome in every country. In India, certain dog breeds are banned due to various reasons, such as aggression, potential danger to the public, and the risk of spreading diseases. The list of dog breeds banned in India is constantly changing, and it can be quite confusing for pet owners or those looking to adopt a furry friend.

In this blog, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on the amazing dog breeds that are banned in India.

We’ll delve into the reasons why these breeds are prohibited, as well as the legal implications of owning one.

This way, you’ll have a better understanding of the laws surrounding dog ownership in India, and you’ll be able to make an informed decision when choosing a pet.

Now, before we begin, let’s get one thing straight: just because a breed is banned doesn’t necessarily mean that all dogs of that breed are dangerous.

In fact, many of the banned breeds are loving and loyal companions when raised in a loving home with proper training and socialization.

However, it’s important to note that certain breeds have a higher potential for aggression or have a history of being used for illegal activities, such as dog-fighting.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the list of , and don’t worry, we promise to keep it fun and informative!

History of Banning Dog Breeds in India

The concept of banning dog breeds in India has its roots in the Dangerous Dogs Act of 1983.

This law was passed in response to several incidents of dog attacks in the country, and it aimed to identify dog breeds that were considered dangerous or aggressive and impose restrictions on their ownership.

The Dangerous Dogs Act of 1983 resulted in the banning of several dog breeds in India, including Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and Doberman Pincers.

These breeds were considered aggressive and dangerous, and their ownership was restricted to only those who obtained special permits from the government.

In 2001, the Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules were introduced by the government of India.

These rules aimed to control the population of stray dogs in the country and prevent dog attacks.

As a part of these rules, certain dog breeds were identified as being prone to aggression and were banned from being kept as pets.

The banned dog breeds in India include breeds such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, and Tosa Inu.

These breeds were identified as being prone to aggression and were deemed to pose a threat to public safety.

The Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules also introduced the concept of micro-chipping and sterilization of dogs.

This helped to control the population of stray dogs in the country and prevent dog attacks.
However, the ban on dog breeds in India has been a subject of controversy and debate.

Animal welfare organizations argue that it is unfair to ban certain dog breeds based on their appearance and that responsible dog ownership and proper training should be the focus instead.

List of Dog Breeds Banned in India

The government of India has identified several dog breeds as being dangerous or aggressive, and has banned them from being kept as pets. The following is a list of the dog breeds that are banned in India:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier: This breed is known for its strength and tenacity, and it is often used in dog fighting. Its aggressive nature has made it a banned breed in many countries, including India.


  • Bull Mastiff: This breed is a cross between a bulldog and a mastiff, and it is known for its loyalty and protective nature. However, it can also be aggressive and unpredictable, which has led to its ban in India.


  • Doberman Pinscher: This breed is known for its intelligence and loyalty, but it can also be territorial and aggressive, which has led to its ban in India.


  • Rottweiler: This breed is known for its strength and loyalty, but it can also be aggressive and unpredictable, which has led to its ban in India.


  • Neapolitan Mastiff: This breed is known for its massive size and strength, but it can also be aggressive and unpredictable, which has led to its ban in India.


  • Tosa Inu: This breed is a large Japanese fighting dog, and it is known for its strength and ferocity. Its aggressive nature has led to its ban in India.


It is important to note that the banned dog breeds in India may vary from state to state, and it is important to check with your local authorities to ensure that you are in compliance with the law.


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Controversies Surrounding the Ban on Dog Breeds in India

The ban on certain dog breeds in India has been a subject of controversy and debate.

Animal welfare organizations argue that it is unfair to ban certain dog breeds based on their appearance and that responsible dog ownership and proper training should be the focus instead.

They argue that banning dog breeds does not address the root cause of dog attacks, which is often due to irresponsible ownership and lack of proper training.

They advocate for measures such as mandatory training and licensing for dog owners, as well as stricter penalties for irresponsible dog owners.

Furthermore, animal welfare organizations argue that breed-specific bans can lead to discrimination against certain breeds and can result in the mistreatment and abandonment of these animals.

They also argue that breed-specific bans are not an effective way to prevent dog attacks, as any dog can be aggressive if it is not properly trained and socialized.

On the other hand, proponents of the ban argue that it is necessary to protect public safety and prevent dog attacks. They argue that certain dog breeds are more prone to aggression and are therefore more likely to cause harm.

They also argue that responsible dog ownership and proper training may not always be enough to prevent dog attacks, as some dogs may have a genetic predisposition to aggression that cannot be overcome with training.

Despite the controversies surrounding the ban on dog breeds in India, it is important for dog owners to be aware of the law and ensure that they are in compliance with it.

By being responsible owners and providing proper care and training for their dogs, owners can help prevent dog attacks and ensure the safety of the public.

Importance of Responsible Dog Ownership

Owning a dog is a big responsibility and it is important to ensure that your pet is well-cared for and properly trained.

This is especially important in the case of banned dog breeds, which require even more care and attention to prevent incidents that could lead to harm to the public.

Here are some reasons why responsible dog ownership is important:

  • Public Safety: Dogs can be a potential danger to the public if they are not trained or controlled properly. Irresponsible dog owners may not provide the necessary training, exercise or socialization required for their pets, which can lead to aggressive behavior. Responsible dog ownership helps prevent such incidents and ensures the safety of both your dog and the public.
  • Legal Obligations: Dog owners have legal obligations under the law to ensure that their pets are under control at all times. This includes ensuring that the dog is not a danger to the public, and that it is properly registered and licensed.
  • Health and Welfare: Responsible dog ownership involves providing proper care and attention to your pet, which includes regular veterinary check-ups, providing a balanced diet and regular exercise. This helps ensure that your pet is healthy and happy, and can prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Positive Impact on Society: Well-behaved dogs can have a positive impact on society, by providing companionship and emotional support, and by participating in activities like therapy dog programs.
  • Avoiding Breed Discrimination: Breed-specific bans can lead to discrimination against certain dog breeds, which is unfair to responsible owners who have well-behaved dogs of these breeds. By being a responsible dog owner and ensuring that your pet is well-trained and socialized, you can help combat breed discrimination.

Tips for Owning a Dog in India

Owning a dog in India can be a fulfilling experience for pet lovers, but it comes with its own set of challenges.

With India’s hot and humid climate, it’s important to choose a breed that is well-suited to the weather conditions. Regular veterinary care, exercise, and socialization are also crucial for a dog’s health and happiness.

Responsible pet ownership, including following local laws and cleaning up after your dog in public areas, is also essential.

Overall, owning a dog in India can be a joyful and rewarding experience with the right care and attention.

Here are some tips for owning a dog in India:

  • Provide proper training: Dogs need to be properly trained and socialized from a young age. This includes basic obedience training as well as socialization with other dogs and people.
  • Exercise and playtime: Dogs need regular exercise and playtime to stay healthy and happy. Make sure to provide your dog with plenty of opportunities to exercise and play.
  • Proper diet and nutrition: Dogs need a well-balanced diet to stay healthy. Make sure to provide your dog with a high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs.
  • Regular veterinary check-ups: Regular veterinary check-ups are important for the health and well-being of your dog. Make sure to schedule regular visits with your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is in good health.
  • Comply with local laws: Make sure to comply with local laws and regulations regarding dog ownership, including licensing and leash laws.

By being a responsible dog owner, you can help prevent dog attacks and ensure the safety of the public.

Remember that owning a dog is a big responsibility and requires a commitment to providing proper care and training for your pet.


In conclusion, before planning to bring your furry friend to India, it’s essential to know about the list of dog breeds banned in India.

The Indian government has imposed restrictions on certain dog breeds due to their aggressive nature and history of attacking humans.

It’s important to respect these laws for public safety and look for legal alternatives to these banned breeds.

If you plan to bring a dog breed that’s legal in India, make sure to follow all the necessary rules and regulations to avoid any legal issues.

With proper research and precautions, you can enjoy the company of your furry friend in India without any worries.


Q1. Why are certain dog breeds banned in India?

  • Certain dog breeds are banned in India due to concerns about their aggressive nature and their history of attacking humans.

Q2. What are the dog breeds banned in India?

  • The dog breeds banned in India are Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, and Fila Brasileiro.

Q3. What are the alternatives to banned dog breeds in India?

  • Some popular dog breeds in India that are legal and widely available include Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Pug, Beagle, German Shepherd, Boxer, and Dachshund.

Q4. Can I bring my dog to India if it’s not on the banned list?

  • Yes, you can bring your dog to India if it’s not on the banned list. However, you must obtain a pet import permit from the Animal Quarantine and Certification Services (AQCS) of India and follow all the necessary rules and regulations.

Q5. Can I adopt a dog in India?

  • Yes, you can adopt a dog in India. There are many animal shelters and rescue organizations in India that offer dogs for adoption.
Categories: Blog Dog Breeds
Naveen Akhriya:

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